In America we are blessed with some amazing freedoms. The one freedom I want to focus on today is the freedom from persecution for our beliefs. This lack of persecution is viewed by the general population as good, but I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps the American Christian wouldn't benefit from persecution. Today around the world thousands of people are suffering because of their on going belief in Christ, but here in America we tend to go to church only when it is convenient to us. Around the world people are being imprisoned and killed for attending church every Sunday; here we have the freedom to attend every Sunday, but tend to go only if we aren't too tired. Around the world people are dying because they were caught with a Bible in their possession, and here in our youth groups our Pastors have to gripe at us over and over to bring our Bibles to church. We as the American Christians have felt safe and content for too long, and with the lack of persecution have become complacent in our worship of God. We have become apathetic to the world around us, and instead of using our freedom to help others we have spoiled our selves into believing that the freedom we were given was meant to benefit ourselves instead of others. It's time to act as if "We are considered as sheep to be slaughtered" and use our freedom to help others, and if that means suffering along with them than just remember that we should count it a blessing to suffer along side our brothers and sisters in Jesus and a blessing to suffer for The God that brought himself low and died for your sin.
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